Art as Worship on Empower Radio
Art as Worship aired on Empower Radio and featured stories of artists and explores their process of creation. Vanessa Lowry interviewed artists of various faiths, working in a wide range of media, on the common theme of how they use inspiration and creativity as an expression of their spirituality.

Wednesday Oct 17, 2012
Wednesday Oct 17, 2012
Cartoonist and author Patrick McDonnell is the creator of the award-winning MUTTS comic strip. Syndicated in 1994, MUTTS now appears in over 700 print newspapers worldwide, and has its home on the web at

Wednesday Oct 10, 2012
Wednesday Oct 10, 2012
Matt Tommey is a basketry artist, a musician, author and worship leader. Now an Asheville, North Carolina resident, Matt's handcrafted baskets are a whimsical collaboration of traditional Appalachian forms and wild, rustic, natural materials including natural vines (kudzu, wisteria, grapevine), branches (birch, oak, ash & poplar), long leaf pine needles and poplar bark. His interpretation of rib baskets and other traditional shapes offer a heartfelt nod to his roots in Appalachian basketry while offering a contemporary expression that is all his own.

Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
Bernie Kida graduated with a Master's Degree from the University of California San Francisco in 1987. He launched his career in medical illustration with the first edition of the Atlas of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery authored by Raymond T. Morrissy, M.D. Kida now works out of his home studio where he has more flexibility and a far shorter commute. He enjoys the challenges that each new assignment brings and the resulting relationships that develop while working with art directors, editors and publishers, physicians, surgeons and other allied health professionals.

Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Laura Biering, Owner and President of True Voices, is a certified Authentic Life and Leadership Coach. A 12-year veteran of the coaching profession, she has been around the block, as they say, when it comes to careers. Laura is the author of The RiskADay Journal: 28 Days to Being You Out Loud with Courage, Creativity and Confidence. She is currently working on several writing projects, including a book of essays with the working title, Good Girl Gone Gay: Some Not So Random Thoughts on Authenticity and Life.

Wednesday Sep 19, 2012
Wednesday Sep 19, 2012
Led by a vision, the answer to a prayer, 24 year old Tom Bird put into play what he saw that night 31 years ago, and the results were miraculous, instantaneous. Within six weeks, Tom sold his very first book to the third largest publisher in the world for an amount equivalent to three times his salary at the time as a publicist for the big league's Pittsburgh Pirates. Tom has written twenty-three books and led tens of thousands to live their literary and personal writing dreams through over 4,200 lectures at the top colleges and universities in the country and by conducting hundreds of retreats.

Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Artist and teacher Whitney Ferre' believes that the key to our (r)evolution lies within our creative mind and it’s only when we embrace and amplify our creative power that we can truly align with our Higher Self, which is INFINITELY creative. Her creative & spiritual JOURNEY began in 1996 when she opened an art center with NO art training. As she became Creatively Fit, along with her clients, she also found her spirituality awakening on new levels. In 2012 she launched The SPIRIT Project 2012 and The Journey Retreats that unifies her two favorite pursuits: CREATIVITY & SPIRITUALITY.

Wednesday Sep 05, 2012
Wednesday Sep 05, 2012
The career of multi-media artist Kyle Young has been a composite of creativity and commerce. After earning a BFA from the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia, she utilized her artistic training working in design and education in publishing for several years. With the addition of this business experience, she founded her own design boutique firm in 1978, growing it through the years to become one of Atlanta's top 50 ad agencies, with clients in the U.S. and Canada. It was not until after the birth of her son in 1996, that she decided to return to the roots of her artistic experience and turn her attention to her personal creativity. Selling her interest in the firm she had founded, she established her marketing consulting, writing and coaching practices so she could also spend time with her studio work once again.

Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Sarah Hunt Engsberg is a jewelry artist, painter and a professional farrier. Sarah has been serving the needs of horses and equestrians in the sports of Three-day Eventing, Combined Training, Dressage, and Endurance for nearly two decades. When her horseshoeing business was curtailed due to back issues, it was a natural progression for her to transfer from blacksmithing to metalsmithing. Sarah’s Art Jewelry is created for independent-minded wearers who wish to express their personalities through jewelry. Her jewelry incorporates traditional metalsmithing, with precious gems and semi-precious stones as well as natural and man-made found objects. Her pieces are one-of-a-kind originals.

Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Rebecca Ewing hallucinates for a living. She is a designer and colorist who imagines how this color will look there; how that fabric will look on this sofa, and how these roof shingles will look that with that brick. Rebecca taught color and design at the Art Institute of Atlanta, and taught color workshops from Canada to New Zealand (bungy jumped, too). She forecasts color trends—helping determine what color toothbrush or waste basket you’ll be able to buy in two years

Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
Bonsai Artist Michael Redgrave has been the owner of Full Moon Bonsai in Marietta, Georgia for 24 years. In that time, he has become one of the premier next generation, bonsai artists in the South and has become known for high quality traditional Japanese Bonsai. His bonsai art has appeared at corporate events, art galleries and in major motion pictures and commercials.
“Bonsai has a quiet spiritual nature of its own. In the Shinto religion, bonsai trees are still used in the ceremony. The triangle that the bonsai forms in Japanese spirituality is a connection between Heaven, God and Man — the three corners of the triangle. The art of bonsai puts you in touch with the turn of the seasons and the rhythm of flowering trees. There is a stillness that puts you in touch with Source.” ~Mike Redgrave